Corporate Services

Korrylink has a long history of good cooperation with industries of various types operating in Western Australia and have helped hundreds of employers and sponsors recruit their highly needed skilled workers from overseas together with their visa processing and lodgement.

In the past decade or so, Korrylink has offered premium quality services to local employers and businesses in their effort to locate and recruit staff. Our strength lies in the fact that we can help businesses determine what visa best suits them and bring the nominated employees to Australia based on their personal circumstances and background.

In addition, we can help your business with the following migration and visa related legal services:

  • Migration-related policies and regulations updates concerning business sponsorship;
  • Provide advice and updates on sponsorship obligations and compliance with Commonwealth government requirements;
  • Lodge application for standard business sponsorship (SBS) for your business;
  • Help your business prepare and lodge Labour Agreement with the Australian Commonwealth government if necessary. This will enable you to nominate and sponsor a large range of occupations at your owned agreed salary rates and skill levels;
  • Help your business with new nomination of positions;
  • Liaise between your business and government for any possible compliance or monitoring issues;
  • Minimise the penalty risk in the event that the business is being faced with bars or penalties;
  • Help your existing sponsored employees with their visa consultation, renewal and transition to permanent visa options;
  • Undertake all visa-related tasks and responsibilities;

If you are interested in reaching a partnership with Korrylink for a long term service, please contact us.