Applying for an employee sponsored visa can be very exciting as you move to a new country, work in a corporate environment, gain new skills, experience a different culture, and taste some of the world’s finest coffee if you’re lucky to come to Melbourne. Nevertheless, there are some additional conditions or requirements that the employer of your sponsored visa has to fulfill when you lodge your VISA.
Caveat Meaning
The caveat is a condition or limitation that may be imposed such as a notice where certain actions may not be taken without informing the individual who gave the notice.
These conditions can occur when an occupation that you are applying for your employer sponsored visa either has too broad or difficult constraints with ensuring that the skills you provide for a skilled position are necessary. These conditions occur for a few visa subclasses, specifically 482 and 186.
Managing Caveat
Caveats are utilized to ensure that the skill level of the applicant or nominee of the employer sponsored visa is at the appropriate skill level and that the application is in shortage in Australia. Most importantly Caveats are there to protect the nominee of the employer sponsored visa. For instance, a caveat may state that an employee must receive a paid annual earning of a specified amount, in the instance that an employer nominates someone with a lower salary, the Caveat will be enacted and state that it cannot be approved and must oblige with the caveat recommendations.
An employer sponsored visa can have many headaches or twists and turns with regards to caveats, ensuring you understand what caveats are, what they entail for you, and how you benefit from them is important. Employer sponsored visas are a great opportunity for job employment and experience, talk to an expert in migration to understand the Caveats will be extremely beneficial for you and your job.
Choose Us
Looking to apply for an employer sponsored visa? Unsure which employer sponsored visa is the most appropriate for you or don’t know what the processes of visa application are? Fear not, Korrylink is your visa application processing expert here to help you! Korrylink are professionals in Australian migration allowing people to live in a foreign country for either studying, work or for better opportunities. Having fostered more than 18 years of experience and tackling complex migration cases, Korrylink is the reliable expert you want to handle your visa applications and migration concerns! Interested in applying for an employer sponsored visa, contact us today and see how we can help you experience a smooth, professional application service!
TSS 482 visa is replaced by Skills in Demand (SID) visa
As from 7 December 2024, the Skills in Demand (SID) visa replaced the Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) visa. All TSS nominations and visa applications lodged prior to the implementation of the SID visa will be processed using the requirements in force at the time the application was lodged.
A new SID Core Skills Occupation List is also announced. The new Core Skills Occupation list has no difference in Short term or Medium term. All listed occupations can be nominated with 4 year duration and can lead to pathway to PR visa, such as ENS 186.
Under the new SID visa policies, the visa applicant (nominee) need only one year of full-time work experience in their nominated occupation to be eligible for a SID 482 visa.
The manditory skills assessment requirement for SID 482 visa remains the same as previous TSS visa.
Check with Korrylink if you have any queries.
The Financial Requirement for a Student visa or Student Guardian visa is Increasing
As from 10 May 2024, the amount of money that Student and Student Guardian visa applicants (subclass 500 and 590) needed for a student visa or guardian visa application is increasing.
The financial capacity requirement has been updated to align with a proportion (75 per cent) of the national minimum wage. This will better indicate the amount of money considered reasonable to provide a minimum standard of living while studying in Australia.
International students who can show they meet this new financial capacity requirement are better able to make informed decisions about their future.
The following table shows the new requirement of the change.
Minimum required funds to meet financial capacity requirements
Financial capacity requirement before 10 May 2024
Financial capacity requirement after 10 May 2024
Primary applicant
Spouse or de facto partner of the Student primary applicant (not applicable to Student Guardian applicant)
One dependent child
Annual school costs for a dependent child
Personal annual income if there is no member of the family
Personal annual income where there is a member of the family unit
Australia Terminates (Axes) Significant Visa Investor (SVI) Visa Scheme
Australia’s Significant Investor Visa (SIV), also called the Golden Visa was announced to be terminated a few days ago by the Australian government.
The programme, launched in 2012, sought to attract high-net-worth individuals Down Under. Various schemes under BIIP required A$2.5 million and A$5 million in investments in venture capital and growth private-equity funds that support start-ups, as well as managed funds that buy shares in companies listed on the Australian stock exchange.
Thousands of significant investor visas (SIV) have been granted through the program since 2012, with 85% of successful applicants coming from China according to government data.
After multiple reviews, the government found that the scheme had failed to meet its core objectives. In a policy document from December, it announced that it would scrap it, focusing instead on creating more visas for “skilled migrants” capable “of making outsized contributions to Australia”.
Some analysts say: For far too long corrupt officials and kleptocrats have used golden visas as a vehicle to park their illicit funds in Australia and arguably hide their proceeds of crime.”
Minister for Home Affairs Clare O’Neil said in a statement on Monday: “It has been obvious for years that this visa is not delivering what our country and economy needs.”
Australia releases it Migration Strategy today
Today (11 December 2023) the Australian government released its Migration Strategy for migration changes. This Strategy sets out significant reforms to Australia’s migration system to meet the future needs of the nation and deliver for Australia—its people, businesses, governments and migrants.
Migrants continue to be an essential part of Australia’s economic and social fabric. Today, more than half of all Australians were born overseas or have a parent born overseas.
The reforms focus on:
The strategy based on 8 key actions:
A full version of the Migration Strategy can be accessed and viewed here. A simplified version Migration Strategy – At a Glance can be seen here.
VETASSESS is set to suspend 7 trade occupation applications
VETASSESS is one of the leading skills assessment bodies in Australia for most of the level-3 trade occupations skills assessment.
The organisation recently announced that that from September 25 2023, the VETASSESS will pause acceptance of new applications for assessment for the following trade occupations to allow it to process the backlog of applications currently on-hand:
For detailed announcement for this change, please click here to read the VETASSES’s publication in full.
If you have already lodged an application with VETASSESS, you do not need to take any action. VETASSESS will continue to process those applications. Professional practisners should seek alternative assessment authorities for these occupations during this period.
Korrylink advises that this pause by VETASSESS does not mean that the Department of Home Affairs will discontinue the visa applications related to these occupations.
If you have any queries, you are most welcome to consult with Korrylink.
Congraduations on 407 visa approval for the First Time
We are pleased to announce that we have got our first 407 visa granted for Mr Yan for the first time for the past 3 years since the outbreak of COVID-19.
Details of the visa grant as follows:
Although the visa has been delayed for some time, the criteria for this visa are relatively low with English level only functional, such as IELTS 4.5. This visa covers a wide range of occupations for candidates to choose from. More information about this visa can be viewed at our website at:
Those who have less than 3 years of work experinece in your area of expertise and a functional English are most welcome to consult with Korrylink.

WA is to Become the Most Attractive State for Skilled Migrants
On 21 August 2022, the Western Australia State Government announced the new settings of State Nomination for General Skills Migration (subclass 190 and subclass 491) with a total of 8,140 skilled visa places for the 2022-2023 financial year. This is nearly double of the place for the current 4,950 places.
This move will make WA the most attractive State for skilled migratants. New measures to increase skilled migration to WA including:
– waiving the $200 application fee;
– halving the requirement to have an employment contract from 12 months to six months;
– reducing requirements for applicants to demonstrate sufficient funds;
– removing additional English requirements for professional and manager occupations, and;
– reducing work experience requirements for the 2022-23 program year to attract more skilled workers to WA.
Details announcement by the WA State Minister for Education and Training can be found here. Applicants how are interested in applying for State nomination under the subclass 190 or subclass 491, may go to visit the WA State government website at here.
Korrylink will make efforts to help our clients to achieve their objectives with various visa options.
Conditions of Employer Sponsored VISA
Applying for an employee sponsored visa can be very exciting as you move to a new country, work in a corporate environment, gain new skills, experience a different culture, and taste some of the world’s finest coffee if you’re lucky to come to Melbourne. Nevertheless, there are some additional conditions or requirements that the employer of your sponsored visa has to fulfill when you lodge your VISA.
Caveat Meaning
The caveat is a condition or limitation that may be imposed such as a notice where certain actions may not be taken without informing the individual who gave the notice.
These conditions can occur when an occupation that you are applying for your employer sponsored visa either has too broad or difficult constraints with ensuring that the skills you provide for a skilled position are necessary. These conditions occur for a few visa subclasses, specifically 482 and 186.
Managing Caveat
Caveats are utilized to ensure that the skill level of the applicant or nominee of the employer sponsored visa is at the appropriate skill level and that the application is in shortage in Australia. Most importantly Caveats are there to protect the nominee of the employer sponsored visa. For instance, a caveat may state that an employee must receive a paid annual earning of a specified amount, in the instance that an employer nominates someone with a lower salary, the Caveat will be enacted and state that it cannot be approved and must oblige with the caveat recommendations.
An employer sponsored visa can have many headaches or twists and turns with regards to caveats, ensuring you understand what caveats are, what they entail for you, and how you benefit from them is important. Employer sponsored visas are a great opportunity for job employment and experience, talk to an expert in migration to understand the Caveats will be extremely beneficial for you and your job.
Choose Us
Looking to apply for an employer sponsored visa? Unsure which employer sponsored visa is the most appropriate for you or don’t know what the processes of visa application are? Fear not, Korrylink is your visa application processing expert here to help you! Korrylink are professionals in Australian migration allowing people to live in a foreign country for either studying, work or for better opportunities. Having fostered more than 18 years of experience and tackling complex migration cases, Korrylink is the reliable expert you want to handle your visa applications and migration concerns! Interested in applying for an employer sponsored visa, contact us today and see how we can help you experience a smooth, professional application service!
194 Occupations have been added to the WA Graduate Occupation List
The Western Australia Government is implementing new initiatives to attract skilled migrants and international students to Western Australia to help ease skills shortages.
As part of the State Government’s $195 million Reconnect WA strategy, an additional 194 occupations have been added to the Graduate Occupation List – taking the total number of listed occupations to 331 – to attract more international students to study in WA.
Expansion of the Graduate Occupation List will help to attract a broad and diverse range of skills that align with the State’s current and future workforce needs.
The skilled migration pathway will also provide international students graduating in WA with the option to apply for permanent residence.
Along with prioritising applicants who are already in WA and Australia, the State Government has expanded the skilled migration criteria to allow offshore candidates to apply for WA State nomination.
The changes will simultaneously support the international education sector and add to WA’s pipeline of skilled workers in priority areas.
The new initiatives also complement strategies to address skills shortages following industry consultation at the Perth and Regional Skills Summits.
More information is available on the WA Government website here. The WA Occupations list can be accessed here.
Korrylink will endeavour to help our students to apply to study in Western Australia. Contact us for more more information and procedures.
What is an Employer Sponsored Visa?
Employer sponsored visa or the Employer Nomination Scheme visa is a visa that allows skilled workers nominated by their employer to live and work in Australia permanently or for a set duration of time depending on which one the applicant chooses to apply. There are three employer sponsored visas an individual may apply for:
All employer sponsored visas hold different requirements, processing times and costs as dictated by the government’s charges and policies. Please consult carefully before applying for an employer sponsored visa to ensure the one you are applying for is the most appropriate for you.
Subclass 186
An applicant applying for this employer sponsored visa of this subclass needs to be nominated by an Australian employer, have competent English skills and their current occupation must be in accordance with a relevant list of eligible skilled occupations deemed by the government. This subclass of employer sponsored visas allows for the individual to stay permanently and work in Australia. In this employer sponsored visa section there are three applications:
Subclass 482
An applicant applying for this employer sponsored visa of this subclass must be nominated for a skilled position by an approved sponsor, the compatible skills for the job and meet relevant English language requirements. This subclass of employer sponsored visas allows the individual to stay between 2 to 4 years or up to the expiration of their visa that permits them. In this employer sponsored visa there are different applications:
Subclass 494
An applicant applying for this employer sponsored visa of this subclass must be nominated for a skilled position by an approved sponsor, the compatible skills for the job and meet minimum standards of English language proficiency. The applicant must also be under 45 years of age. For this subsection of visas, the duration of stay is up to 5 years. In this employer sponsored visa section there are three applications:
Choose Us
All listed subclasses all have different requirements and thus you need to do the due diligence of ensuring you apply for the correct one. That is why you should rely on us Korrylink. Korrylink is a professional in Australian migration allowing people to live in a foreign country for either studying, work or for better opportunities. Having fostered more than 18 years of experience and tackling complex migration cases, Korrylink are the reliable experts you want to handle your visa applications and migration concerns! Interested in applying for an employer sponsored visa, contact us today and see how we can help you experience a smooth, professional application service!